Thursday December 12th and Friday the 13th (Spooky!)
@Con Artist Collective, 329 Broome st, NYC 10002
Please RSVP with the form below. Bring friends/lovers/coworkers/rich bosses :)
The MAX Gala
I’ve been accepted into an artist residency to paint for a month in France and I need your help getting there
These are tremendously exciting times for me and my energy is high. I just self-published my first book and my dreams of future projects are ever growing. My art world continues to expand. New mediums, new styles, new techniques. I know what the next chapter looks like and I cant wait to start it.
I’m throwing a fundraiser art-party and would love your attendance and support.
December 12th and 13th (5pm on)
Con Artist Collective in the LES
329 Broome st, NYC
Pieces will be priced to move, so if you’ve ever wanted to own a Max original, this is your time!
There will be wine and definitely no gambling
$20 signed copies of my book, handmade jewelry under $50, canvas photo prints starting at $100 (shipping included!) and originals from $500. Help me get to France!
Cant make it, but still want to support?
Donations can be made via Venmo @BeerandCabfare or through the button